Monday, March 24, 2014

The Sun & The Moon

"Does the sun ask itself, "Am I good? Am I worthwhile? Is there enough of me?" No, it burns and it shines. Does the sun ask itself, "What does the moon think of me? How does Mars feel about me today?" No it burns, it shines. Does the sun ask itself, "Am I as big as other suns in other galaxies?" No, it burns, it shines."
--Andrea Dworkin
From Our Blood

Thursday, December 5, 2013



"Take a deep breath. Repeat 'I love myself' 3 times. Smile."
- Seven Second Meditation.

Metta Day 2: Self-Love (by Matt Sockolov)

On our second day of metta, we are going to look at the nature of our relationship with ourselves. As we may have discovered in yesterday’s practice, our relationships with ourselves are not always full of love, kindness, and friendship. In our sitting practice, we will extend phrases of loving-kindness to ourselves. During our day today, we will do the same!

Sitting Practice ...

Again, begin by sitting in a comfortable position. Take deep, full breaths and allow your eyes to close. Remember to keep your spine straight. You may focus on the air on the tip of your nose, the air in the back of your throat, or your abdomen rising and falling. Do not feel the need to label what you are feeling; just notice it, be aware of it, and feel how it feels.

After sitting for a few minutes, you may start the metta meditation toward yourself. Bring up an image of yourself in your mind. You may think of yourself as a child, as we are often able to be kind to children more easily. Although it may feel generic or forced at first, we tell ourselves loving phrases. Jack Kornfield offers these phrases for a metta meditation,

“May I be filled with lovingkindness.
May I be safe from inner and outer dangers.
May I be well in body and mind.
May I be at ease and happy.”

Spring Washam includes, “May I be safe and secure.” I include the simple phrase, “I love you.” Whatever your metta prayer is, stick with a few phrases. You may make up metta mantras that feel more natural, or take ideas from other sources. Find what phrases work well for you. You eventually will find a rhythm, and although you may not feel these words, continue saying them. When you are ready, stop saying the phrases. You may sit for a few moments, smiling at yourself, and allowing your eyes to open when it is right.

Daily Practice

Today, practice being kinder to yourself than usual. Be mindful of thoughts, speech, and actions that cause harm. It may help to take a minute or two out of your day to stop and remind yourself to be friendly. You may repeat the metta phrases throughout the day in your head at any time!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Breath & Gratitude.


"Take a deep breath."

I am grateful for...
- a warm office
- hot tea
- @theeasiersofterway

Today's desire:
I have kind, gentle, helpful and loving thoughts for myself and others.


Friday, November 8, 2013


Mindful. Evolving. Loving.

Love is My Star.

For a while, now I have been wishing to share my journey back to love. This will serve as a medium to share my growth and awakening. I hope these words find those sentient beings of which they can resonate.

Wishing you love and kindness.
